How To Get More Second Dates


Are you wondering why it is that you go on lots of first dates but don’t get asked out for second dates?

Clients come to me with this problem and just a few SIMPLE tweaks are usually all that’s needed to make big shifts.

 And while there are a bunch of reasons why you may not be getting asked out on second dates, today I’m just going to cover one.

You may be approaching your dates with your head rather than your HEART. 

While I absolutely believe that approaching dating and love with head & heart is VITAL, I see too many women going into the first dates with these elements:

  • Trying to figure out if he’s the one right away

  • Trying to qualify/disqualify a man immediately

  • “Performing” on the date if she likes a guy and wants to try to impress him

Doing even one of those things EVEN IF you think you’re doing it subtly, isn’t going to put you in a relaxed state of being.

And it’s not going to do that for him either.

Masculine men CRAVE your feminine spirit. 

And you probably do too and you may not even realize it. 

Don’t you feel BETTER when you’re relaxed and coming from a heart space rather than a head space?

A man won’t feel much of a spark or attraction for you if you’re not connecting to your own heart (or if he does it won’t last).

On first dates, your job is to relax, be curious and have a GOOD TIME. That’s all!!!!!

No pressure!

Everything else will get sorted out naturally during the date and after the date when you’ve both parted ways.

You can aim to have a good time and come from a place of curiosity rather than having a “checklist” mentality, you’ll have a more OPEN-hearted feminine spirit. 

That way you’ll have more fun, be more present and you’ll likely get asked out on a second date.

Let me know how this resonated with you in the comments.